welcome to
Brave and Faithful K9
German Shepherds
Megan has been training & working in the sport of IGP/Schutzhund (Obedience, Tracking, and Protection) for 7+ years. During this time, Megan has gained valuable insight from not only private training with seasoned professionals & personal research but also from pursuing practical apprenticeships with professionals who have been working in the areas of breeding and training in IGP/Schutzhund for decades. Additionally, her educational journey in IGP has included attending 2 incredible seminars with Professional European trainers, Peter & Connie Scherk & Renata Machova Angelovova. Megan has a passion for furthering her knowledge and training skills by constantly continuing to learn from those who have gone before her, researching relentlessly, and training...training...training!
Megan has Accomplished Multiple
Titles and Certifications
with Her Personal German Shepherds
Megan's credentials
1. Seven+ years of IGP/Schutzhund Training Experience
2. Certified CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Evaluator
3. Accomplished IGP Helper/Decoy Certification
4. Megan has taken multiple Brave and Faithful K9 Puppies through the Brave and Faithful K9 Puppy Blueprints Programs, & has placed AKC Trick Titles on multiple Brave and Faithful K9 Puppies
5. AND... 90+ Brave and Faithful K9 Puppies have passed through Megan's Proven
Brave and Faithful K9 Temperament Testing & Evaluation
Abraxas & Megan
Spring Trial April 17, 2021
Earned High Obedience & High IGP1
vd-Abraxas Seahawk
Bh, IGP2, cgc, CGCA, tkn, tki
Megan & Abraxas Seahawk
Have Earned the Following Titles
1. BH-Nov. 23, 2019
2. TKN-April 2020
3. TKI-July 2020
4. Canine Good Citizen-10/5/20
5. IGP1-April 17, 2021
6. Canine Good Citizen (A)-
April 2022
7. IGP2-April 30, 2022
Megan clouse